2023 Results
Thursday 28th September - The Poppy Challenge
The final competitive game and what a way to end the season. Six full rinks with spectators supporting both sides for the second year of this popular challenge match. The British Legion were not expecting the whitewash they received with the overall score being Clock House 108 British Legion 68. Thanks to all who supported this fantastic evening. A buffet in the Club followed the game and there were further refreshments at the British Legion Club. Brian Samuels gratefully accepts the Challenge Trophy from Paul Hyde |
Thursday 21st September Ron Plews & Memorial Trophy
A total of 38 on the green with Joyce Plews and daughter Cheryl looking on witnessing 4 full rinks and a triples match. The threat of rain did not stop the start of play. The rain did eventually cause a break in play, but we took advantage and had tea/biscuits/cakes. Three rinks were won by the men and two by the ladies. Total overall score Men 91 – Ladies 66. The men retain the Ron Plews & Memorial trophy for 3rd successive year. |
Tuesday 5th September - Windmill Bowl
In the Windmill Bowl friendly against our local rivals Upminster, each Club fielded 4 rinks and 1 triples team, with a comfortable 4-1 win Clock House win back the trophy this year. Orsett Mixed Open A Clockhouse team came second in this event, having won all our three games with Thurrock winning on 3 extra points. Our team of Jan , Roger , Angela and Geoff where pleased to receive the £40 prize money. |
Sunday 13th August - Benfleet Gala Day
Steve Legge, fresh from his Ron Errington win, made it a double for the weekend with success in the Benfleet Gala Day, where he joined forces with Debbie Walmsley and teamed up with ex-members Beverley and Trevor Plank, to take the Gala Day Trophy along with £40.00 each in the coffers. |
Tuesday 15th August - Alvera Plate
A good turnout for the Alvera Plate Mixed Pairs 2 wood competition resulted in 16 pairings, pulled out of the "magic hat", each playing 3 rounds of 8 ends. There ended up only 2 pairings with an unbeaten 3 wins and on countback of shot difference the runner-up place went to Peter Lowe and Paul Brown with +22 shots, strictly not a mixed pair, but unavoidable due to a lower turnout by Ladies. However the winning "Mixed" pair was Val Hayes and Bob Pudney with a +27 shot difference. |
Saturday 12th August - Ron Errington Mixed Triples
33 members made up 11 triples to contest the Ron Errington Trophy with the added attraction of the first BBQ of the year to follow. Each team played 4 rounds of 6 ends with a possible 8 points available. Not to be so, with 5 teams gaining 6 points, which some could say, proved a fair selection process. So a countback on shots resulted in a tie for 3rd place on +8 shots with 2nd place on +11 shots going to Jan Manley, Alex Stephenson and Sue Shorey. The winners, with +12 shots were Karen Noble, Steve Legge and Gary Robinson, shown sporting the trophy. |
Monday 3rd July - Mens Selected Pairs
Six pairs competed in the one day competition on 3rd July. Each pair played 4 matches of 8 ends with 2 woods each. At the end of the day, 2 pairs had 6 points from 3 wins and 1 defeat. Gary Robinson and Barry Watkins pipped Brian Samuels and Rob Crabb to the title on points difference. |
Sunday 25th June - Ron Moule Memorial v Brentwood
On a very hot Sunday afternoon 15 members, along with spectators, endured the temperature in an attempt to regain the Ron Moule Memorial trophy from Brentwood. The match format was 5 mixed triples, reduced to 15 ends, taking into account the conditions. The result was decided on overall combined scores, however although Clock House won by 4-1 on rinks, the overall score of 71-67 on shots made it a much closer result. Jenny Morely, Ron Moule's daughter, having to hand the trophy back to Hazel, Clock House captain for the day. |
Monday 29th May - The Earls Mixed Triples
A sunny Bank Holiday afternoon saw 24 members take to the green for The Earls Mixed Triples Club Competition. With the teams already drawn, then last minute cry offs replaced, it was an amazing achievement to get the show on the road. So with a last minute decision on format, to avoid early retirements, it was decided not to stop for tea half way, to avoid the reluctance to re-start . Each Triple played 4 rounds of 6 ends with a twist, being 2 x 3 wood, 1 x 2 wood with a final 1 wood shoot out round. Turned out that after 3 rounds there were 5 of the 8 teams with 4 points and in with a chance of winning. The final round produced just 2 teams with a 6 point total. |
Runners-up were Michelle Squires, Pat Flood and Derek Petrie with a shot difference of +7, with the winners Chris Baker, Gary Robinson and Margaret Clark having a shot difference of +10. The trophy was presented by Ladies Captain Michelle Squires,
Sunday 14th May - Friendly v Griffin (Harlow)
A sunny afternoon with temperatures higher, our first friendly of the season took us to Harlow. The match of 4 mixed triples was enjoyed by all and with tea and biscuits half way along with something stronger and snacks afterwards. We were made very welcome. Clock House, led by our Lady Captain, Michelle, were triumphant by 3 matches to 1, with a shots score 80-45. Look out for other friendlies coming up. |
29th April - Ladies Challenge
A warm sunny afternoon and the Club's opening competition of the new season resulted in a great turnout for the "Ladies Challenge" event, traditionally meant to be a warm up and practice for the Ladies who in the next few weeks will launch themselves into the early rounds of the County Competitions.
Well they'll have to give themselves a good talking to.
Even though the Ladies had a winning margin of 3 shots, 86 to 83, they only managed to win on 2 rinks out of the 6 rinks being played.
Ladies Captain, Michelle Squires, was enraptured with the result.
A warm sunny afternoon and the Club's opening competition of the new season resulted in a great turnout for the "Ladies Challenge" event, traditionally meant to be a warm up and practice for the Ladies who in the next few weeks will launch themselves into the early rounds of the County Competitions.
Well they'll have to give themselves a good talking to.
Even though the Ladies had a winning margin of 3 shots, 86 to 83, they only managed to win on 2 rinks out of the 6 rinks being played.
Ladies Captain, Michelle Squires, was enraptured with the result.